Muddy Mummies
Welcome to our Muddy Mummies
Hi I am Amanda the founder and managing director of Forest Frontiers and I had my first little one in May 2023!
Since then I have been going to classes and helped my little one develop through sensory classes etc but what about us mummies?
Surely there is a way that we can do something and it also benefit our little one?
Getting out and about was our main thing as a family, going on long walks/hikes with the dog and feel this has reduced quite a lots since having my little one, not to mention the aches and pains of mother hood post labour/c sections. I am keen to get out and about and what better way than with other fellow mummies wanting the same thing!
I really want to focus on my own mental well being and getting out in the fresh air and building on my fitness slowly and doing this alongside other mummies will help keep us motivated! Each session we will embark on a a little mindful well being journey with a short walk and along the walk tapping into our mindfulness whilst also engaging our little ones, we will also explore the 5 ways to well being and tips on how to improve/maintain a positive mental well being.
These are just little walks that will be low level walks and easy for prams with a coffee/brew/cake break if you wish!
As my little one gets a little bigger and confident I will then start up our popular Wild Babies Woodland Sensory classes…
Location: We will meet at the large car park near Smithills Hall
Google Pin: https://goo.gl/maps/e45d2cWCUTfXaTqVA
What 3 Words: https://w3w.co/wonderfully.occurs.limit