Forest Frontiers

PSED and Forest School

Where do we even start on this subject!?  It can go in so many different ways but the one that is the biggest for me personally is how much children are struggling at the moment!  Is it the last three years of holding things in or the 3 years of relentless change, loss and uncertainty […]

Mud! What’s not to love?

“The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful!” – E.Cummings     My childhood was simple. Some might even say boring. I was a young child in the ‘70s. Money was tight at home. Mum never knew from one week to the next what the price of a basket of groceries would be. Inflation was high. A […]

Imagination & Nature

Imaginative Play in the Woods “Logic will get you from A to B; imagination will get you everywhere.” – Albert Einstein According to Bob Hughes imaginative play breaks the conventional rules which govern the physical world, and fantasy play is the make-believe world of children. When all children have is what nature offers, it’s truly […]

Summer 2021 Bolton HAF Funding Impact Report

Forest Frontiers CIC Forest CampDelivered as part of the  2021 Holiday Activity Fund  I literally cannot put into words how amazing these last 5 weeks have been! (Tiring but AMAZING!)Just thinking about it blows my mind! We have had around 120 children attend Forest Camp over the 5 weeks and this includes 18 that were fully […]

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